Two Campuses – One Branch – Stronger Together!

Two Campuses – One Branch – Stronger Together!

Hi All

Well done to everyone who came to our branch meeting last week at which despite IT issues threatening to derail us, members formally voted to merge Lowestoft Campus and Great Yarmouth Campus as one larger UCU branch. Although we have been operating jointly for some time now this means we have completed the formal process that means we are now listed as one branch which will give us simpler and stronger collective bargaining power.

We also held info and recruitment stalls at both campuses, again great to meet so many faces old and new, member and non-member. If you missed seeing us and collecting your UCU goodies, we will be repeating this in the new academic year on August 22nd.  For those that collected Join the Union postcards please distribute those amongst your colleagues and encourage them to join.


As well as the stalls we will also need to hold an AGM in the new year to formally elect our branch Reps and confirm any Dept. Contacts. Although we are pleased to report we have had a couple of members volunteer recently to act as contacts for their Department / Staffroom we still need many more to build a community of contacts so that we can improve branch communication and recruitment so please get in touch via if you are interested in finding out more about how to get involved.

In the meantime, have a great summer break!

Sarah & Julien

JNCC – May 24

We have our regular meeting with SLG called the JNCC -Joint Negotiating Consultative Committee in May where we discuss any relevant issues with management that might collectively affect staff in anyway.

Currently we are expecting to discuss the outcomes of the Workload Survey and also there are discussions taking place regarding the absence policy which will will email members of more detail when we can. It may also be the beginning of our negotiations on pay award for 24-25.

Are there any issues that you think we should be addressing with management ?

Please let us know , we want to hear from you – email us at

We will update you on any outcomes post the JNCC.

Many thanks – Sarah & Julien

Pay Update – Better Pay for All !

Your Local News

While ECC branches fell 3 votes short of the national ballot threshold, local UCU reps have worked hard to secure the best possible final offer from the employer. This offer represents a significant pay rise for lecturers. Those at the top of the scale are receiving a cost of living pay award of 7.76% and the whole scale has changed. The bottom point of the scale is now £33,100 and the top sits at £39,000 for a full-time lecturer.

The employer’s offer is a significant achievement and a testament to the collective power of our union. We need your participation. We need to hear from you – your opinion is important to us. Your voice and vote are crucial in shaping our future. We encourage everyone to engage more actively in union matters. Your participation not only strengthens our bargaining position but also ensures that we accurately represent your interests and concerns. Together, we can continue to make positive changes in our college.

See the other tabs above on this website to Join UCU if you are not already a member and the Get Involved tab if you are to see how you can contribute to further successes