It goes without saying how important Health & Safety is to all of us at ECC – No staff members’ health should suffer as a result of going to work.
To cover both ECC campuses the Branch urgently needs more H&S Reps. If you have an interest in being a H&S Rep for your department and/or Campus please get in touch
There is a full training programme for H&S Reps which is recognised as CPD – more info here ––Home-Counties-Regions
UCU H&S Reps attend the cross- college H&S Committee to represent the interest of staff members. This committee meets once a term and examines any issue relevant to H&S at the college. You can also raise any H&S issue that you feel the college is not addressing with us to take forward on your behalf. This can be either a college wide issue or something specific to your own working practice.
Email us at
UCU national Website has numerous resources and info on H&S for your use here