Getting Help/Member support
UCU negotiates members’ pay and conditions both nationally and locally, and campaigns on a whole range of issues including education funding, privatisation and pensions. And we offer members advice on equality, health & safety, pensions, planning for retirement, part-time working and professional issues.
But it’s often the case that members find themselves calling on UCU when they run into a problem that affects them as individuals. Problems like these can arise in any number of ways. And one of the main benefits of belonging to UCU is that, if a difficult situation arises, we can help by giving advice, support and representation.
And as well as offering support to members on work related issues, we also offer non-work related services including wills, lasting power of attorney, renunciation of executorship, probate, severance of joint tenancy, buying a newly built home, conveyancing, re-mortgaging and financial mis-selling claims such as payment protection insurance (PPI).
If you have a problem and need your union’s help, your first step should always be to complete a casework support form and email it to
There is also a dealing with problems page on the national UCU website offers some basic advice on resolving problems at work. Please be aware that time limits can apply, so please don’t delay if you need to raise an issue.